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What to Expect

Christ-centered worship is at the center of who we are as a congregation. God gathers us from various places and stages of life to worship and glorify Jesus who is present and active among us. Our congregation is made up of unique individuals with a wide variety of gifts and callings for ministry shaped by a variety of histories and experiences. Some of us worship at Purity because our families have been here for generations. Others of us first came at the invitation of a friend and felt an immediate connection. We come for many different reasons, but with one common goal, to know Christ. Empowered by the Spirit we are then sent out to bear witness to the good news of Jesus in our daily living. As Presbyterians, we value orderly worship. As a congregation we value traditional worship. As individuals, we seek to do whatever necessary to draw close to God as we find our own rhythms of worship within and beyond the walls of the sanctuary. 

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Bible Study

Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.


Sunday School 

Elementary School Children and Adult 10:00 a.m.



Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Photograph by Terry Ehrlich©2005

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